Base implementation of a "@wallet-standard/base".WalletAccount to be used or extended by a "@wallet-standard/base".Wallet.

WalletAccount properties must be read-only. This class enforces this by making all properties truly private and read-only, using getters for access, returning copies instead of references, and calling Object.freeze on the instance.



  • Create and freeze a read-only account.


    Returns ReadonlyWalletAccount


  • get address(): string
  • Implementation of "@wallet-standard/base".WalletAccount.address | WalletAccount::address

    Returns string

  • get chains(): `${string}:${string}`[]
  • Implementation of "@wallet-standard/base".WalletAccount.chains | WalletAccount::chains

    Returns `${string}:${string}`[]

  • get features(): `${string}:${string}`[]
  • Implementation of "@wallet-standard/base".WalletAccount.features | WalletAccount::features

    Returns `${string}:${string}`[]

  • get icon(): undefined | `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${string}` | `data:image/webp;base64,${string}` | `data:image/png;base64,${string}` | `data:image/gif;base64,${string}`
  • Implementation of "@wallet-standard/base".WalletAccount.icon | WalletAccount::icon

    Returns undefined | `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${string}` | `data:image/webp;base64,${string}` | `data:image/png;base64,${string}` | `data:image/gif;base64,${string}`

  • get label(): undefined | string
  • Implementation of "@wallet-standard/base".WalletAccount.label | WalletAccount::label

    Returns undefined | string

  • get publicKey(): Uint8Array
  • Implementation of "@wallet-standard/base".WalletAccount.publicKey | WalletAccount::publicKey

    Returns Uint8Array